I hate spam and phishing!

Do you hate phishing as much as I do? I am going to share a personal experience with you that I witnessed a couple of weeks ago. I have an account with Citi, which has no money in it because I use another bank.  Anyways, I received email stating that I had a new message. I always received email from my bank stating I have a new message because I am always asking questions. So, I was under the assumption that they were replying to an email that I had sent online.  I click on it and it took me to a sight that looked exactly like the original site.  I was not aware that it was a Citi bank phishing scam so, I keyed in my log-in id and password. Still under the impression that everything was fine then I got a message saying that my account had been lock  because of fraud attempts and they need it needed to verify my person information. Then listed a form to fully input your name, address, phone number, social security number, debit card number, and d/o/b.  Oh boy, so I figured it out. Why would Citi need to verify this info in its entirety. Then I closed it out and went to the site directly and logged in and change my password immediately. My account was not locked up at all. I went back to the other site and just type in anything for the email address and password fields and it still took me to a “loading” page and then said my account was locked up (etc)… I knew that this was a phishing site.

I went back through my emails and noticed that most of the emails that I received from Citi was from and the real one were from It is not safe to click on links from your email even if you think you are familiar with them. It is best to go to the site directly.

I have receive emails from PayPal, Citizens Bank and Franklin Bank and I don’t even have an accounts with Citizens and Franklin Bank. So BE CAREFUL!! Phishers are out to get your information!!